Having emerged from an intact medieval monastery of the 12th century, Schulpforte is not a mere school, but also a historical place that attracts countless tourists every year and that is an official part of Straße der Romanik (i.e. "Road of Romanesque buildings"). Visitors are impressed not only by the picturesque cloister, by the church with its impressive western façade or by the park with its old trees, but also by the historical school library, which has grown in centuries, and by the memorial plates reminding of famous students like Nietzsche, Ranke, Fichte or Klopstock.
Foundation of the Cistercian monastery "Sanctae Mariae ad Portam".
Moritz Duke of Saxony founded a "Landesschule" (i.e. state school) in the monastery that had been secularized in 1540.
Schulpforte became Prussian after the Napoleonic wars.
Transformation into a "Nationalpolitische Erziehungs-anstalt" (NPEA) with a Department of Classics.
Closing of NPEA in April und reopening of the school in October.
For the first time a larger number of female students at Schulpforte, where only boys had been before. By reducing the number of grades Schulpforte became a mere "Oberschule" (i.e. upper high school) with four grades.
Socialist "Erweiterte polytechnische Oberschule", teaching classics until 1967.
Establishing special language classes.
Establishing special music classes.
Schulpforte becomes a "Gymnasium" again (i.e. the highest level of the German high school system), this time maintained by the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
Establishing the Department of Natural Sciences to complete the entire profile of the school that since that time has three special departments: Music, Languages and Natural Sciences.
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